Saturday, May 5, 2007

Tipping in a Restaurant in SW FLorida

Tipping in a Restaurant as explained by When you are exploring Naples,Fort Myers,Bonita Springs,Estero,Marco Island,FortMyers Beach,cape coral,Port Charlotte,Punta Gorda,Venice,North port. How much should you tip at the end of a restaurant meal? What If you are using a coupon from's a question asked by millions of diners every day, and everyone seems to have an opinion as to the correct answer. For some, the word "tip" itself suggests a bonus reserved for service that's somehow beyond the expected, and yet for restaurant workers around the world, this money is often expected as a large percentage of their salary. So, how do you figure out how much to leave?

Many international hotel consultants who has dined in fine restaurants all over the world and understands the importance of leaving generous tips in return for good service. He offers the following information and advice for those hoping to make sense out of the confusing rules of restaurant tipping:

  • Tipping varies. According to, restaurant tipping varies from city to city and nation to nation, so to avoid looking like a cheapskate or offending the staff, you should ask around about appropriate tips when you're traveling. In the US, a restaurant in Chicago will expect about 15 percent, while Los Angeles or New York establishments typically see 20 percent or more.
  • The average. Setting aside regional differences, the overall average seems to be somewhere between 15 percent and 20 percent, so this is a decent figure to start with, wherever you are.
  • Consider the experience. Most restaurant menus list prices beside the items offered, so you know that, for instance, the Petite Filet is $25. But this amount is just the price of the food, and as anyone who enjoys dining out knows, the restaurant experience is about more than the food. Eating at a nice restaurant is about enjoying the evening in pleasant surroundings, sharing good conversation with friends, and having a professional service staff to see to your needs and wishes. These are the sorts of things that you should take into account when figuring out how large a tip you want to leave. If you've had a memorable evening and have enjoyed yourself, suggests leaving 20 percent.
  • Consider the Service. Of course, 20 percent of the check is too much to leave if you are unhappy with the service or the general experience. According to, if you've received very poor service, it is acceptable to leave a minimal tip, or in extreme cases, no tip at all. Your gesture may not be appreciated, but you probably won't return to the restaurant anyway, so don't worry too much.

The point of eating out at a nice restaurant is to have a good time and enjoy a good meal. If you're happy and satisfied, leave a generous tip so that the people who made the experience so enjoyable will earn a wage appropriate for their hard work and effort according to

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