Use and Naples,Fort Myers,Cape Coral,Punta Gorda,Port Charlotte. Before we go further, we need to talk about something. You don't like using coupons. Maybe you even hate using coupons. Unless you are part of the 15 percent of shoppers who use coupons religiously, you likely have a logical reason for not shopping with coupons.
I've used coupons for over a decade, and for the past five years I've spoken to thousands of people about using coupons to save money and donate food to charity. I have learned what people don't like about coupons, and in some cases, I agree with their objections. Invariably shoppers across the country object to the same challenges and share common misconceptions about coupons.
When checking out at the grocery store, other shoppers frequently look at me incredulously and ask, "You really like coupons, don't you?" I like to reply, "Well actually, I really like my money. Using coupons is one way to have more of it."
In 2004 shoppers saved almost $3 billion with grocery coupons, a substantial sum. However, the number that gets my attention is the $315-billion worth of grocery coupons that were thrown away. In spite of massive advertising and promotion by the grocery and coupon industries, fewer than 2 percent of coupons are converted into real money. In my opinion, coupon redemption is low because clipping and using coupons is time-consuming for people who are already busy. But we also know that more than 2 percent of people in our country have real financial needs and could benefit from some of that $315 billion being thrown away. So what's the solution?
I believe the answer to helping more people save money is to make it easier for people to use restaurant and grocery coupons. Organizing coupon information and identifying good coupon deals for people is the key. My website has successfully helped thousands of people save millions of dollars since its inception in March 2001. check
Whether your personal goal is to save $10 or $100 a week on your groceries or on going out to restaurants, you can achieve your objective much easier than you can imagine.
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