Thursday, July 26, 2007

Prime Time Steak & Spirits Englewood FL

Prime Time Steak & Spirits: "Is Englewoods Best"
Mar 2007
Have you heard from www.bestportcharlottedining,com. I recently attended the Sarasota Culinary Classic chefs competition at the Sarasota Yacht Club. 12 of the areas finest chefs were competing. They each had to make an app an entree and a dessert. they were judged in the kitchen by the American culinary Federation and also on taste and presentation. When the winners were annouced a Chef from Englewood won all three gold medals. It turned out his name was Richard Drumgool from Prime Time Steak and Spirits in Englewood.Ever since then we have been going to Prime Time to eat he truly is the best Chef Around. You never know when they will have a coupon on so check often.

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